ESG Transformation: Empowering a Taiwanese Supermarket
PrototypingUsability TestingUser Experience Design

Fostering mindful connections through a meticulously curated food and lifestyle shopping experience.

May - June 2023
city'super Taiwan

Originating in Hong Kong, city'super made its debut in Taiwan back in 2004. Operating as a "Mega Lifestyle Specialty Store," city'super aims to revolutionize the shopping experience for its customers by providing a diverse selection of the finest products, attentive customer service, and an exceptional shopping environment for convenient one-stop shopping.

With 8 locations across Taiwan, situated in various department stores within the capital city, Taipei, city'super continues to cater to the needs of busy urban residents.

User Need

City'super recognizes the importance of sustainable practices and has structured its ESG initiatives around three key pillars: Environment, Social, and Governance. However, despite their commendable efforts, these initiatives are not widely known among their customers. Additionally, the premium supermarket sector in Taiwan is becoming increasingly competitive, making it crucial for city'super to differentiate itself and connect with its customer base more effectively.

To address these challenges, city'super needs to focus on promoting food education, food safety, and health, as well as community-supported agriculture. By raising awareness about their ESG efforts, particularly in the areas of green procurement, environmental protection, carbon reduction, food traceability, and food safety education, city'super can foster a deeper connection with its customers.


One of the main constraints faced by city'super is the inconvenient location of its stores. Currently placed within department stores and far from residential areas, customers typically only visit city'super by chance when shopping at the department store. This lack of accessibility hampers the potential for regular footfall and diminishes the chance of becoming a preferred destination for everyday shopping.

In contrast, city'super's competitors enjoy an advantage with a significantly higher number of strategically located stores, including standalone outlets, offering better accessibility and making them the go-to choice for routine shopping needs.

Compounding the challenge is the perception held by residents of Taiwan that city'super is primarily a specialty store rather than a place for everyday shopping.

Desired State

The desired state for city'super is to  

1. Establish itself as a leading advocate for sustainable practices and community engagement within the premium supermarket sector in Taiwan.

2. Customers will be well-informed about the supermarket's initiatives, enabling them to make conscious choices while shopping.  

3. Inspire positive change and contribute to a more sustainable and socially responsible retail landscape in Taiwan.


4 Design Directives

Creating a complete engaging shopping experience to support city’super’s objective to expand its brand image from premium imported products to a market for sustainable shopping. 

Design Directive 1
Champion a rotating selection of curated products.
Design Directive 2
Connecting process and product tangibly and transparently.
Design Directive 3
Provide dynamic feedback to support sustainable shopping decisions.
What led to the selection of these concepts?

The selection of these concepts was driven by valuable insights gathered through shopper interviews, shop alongs, and discussions with customers while testing full-scale prototypes of our ideas. These interactions provided a deep understanding of the shoppers' needs, preferences, and expectations. Each concept was carefully crafted to address specific pain points and desires expressed by the shoppers.

While a single idea could have benefited city'super, the decision to develop four design directives was motivated by the desire to create a comprehensive and engaging shopping experience. By integrating multiple concepts, we aimed to generate a more significant impact and support city'super's objective of transforming its brand image from being perceived solely as a provider of premium imported products to becoming a market leader in sustainable shopping.

These design directives were thoughtfully chosen to offer a holistic and enjoyable shopping journey that aligns with both the shoppers' expectations and city'super's sustainability goals.

How feasible are these concepts?

The feasibility of these concepts varies depending on the timeline and resources available. Short-term concepts are readily achievable and can be implemented almost immediately, offering quick wins and enhancing the shopping experience without significant disruptions. Mid-term concepts may require more effort and planning but are still feasible with proper execution and project management. They may involve adjustments to store layouts, technology integration, and operational improvements.

However, long-term concepts, while ideal, may face challenges due to external factors and uncertainties. As designers, it is essential to continuously test and iterate these concepts based on feedback and adapt to changing market conditions. Flexibility and responsiveness will be crucial in ensuring the successful implementation of these long-term ideas and aligning with city'super's sustainability goals. By taking a phased approach and remaining open to adjustments, the chances of achieving a comprehensive and engaging shopping experience that supports city'super's objectives will be significantly enhanced.

“I believe all the concepts are feasible, and we can allocate space in the store to showcase sustainability products and messaging.”

Tony Liu, President, city'super

“Previously, I found it challenging to associate city'super with sustainability and ESG initiatives. However, this presentation has effectively convinced me otherwise.”

- Kate Chi, Marketing Manager, city'super

In the initial step of the design process, we gained a clear understanding of the project scope through a focus group session with city'super's stakeholders. The primary objective is to establish a collaborative and innovative supply chain with local farmers, emphasizing food safety, health, agri-food education, community supported agriculture, and the farm-to-table concept. The desired deliverables are concepts that differentiate city'super from competitors, enhance customer satisfaction, and align with their sustainability goals.

02 Research

In the research process, we thoroughly investigated the production process, conducting interviews with industry experts to gain in-depth insights into how produce is shipped and distributed. Additionally, we extensively studied various businesses and brands to understand their unique value-added processes and delved into the certification process for organic produce.

Crucially, we focused on gathering customer feedback and understanding their sentiments towards produce and their overall shopping experience, through interviews and shop-alongs.

Our field research took us across Taiwan, examining each touch point involved in the journey of produce and good food. This included visits to farms, co-ops, distribution centers, supermarkets, testing facilities, and more. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and desires, we conducted several rounds of qualitative research.

Furthermore, we conducted secondary research to explore how supermarkets and retailers, in general, view sustainability, examining actions taken by other retailers in this domain. After thoroughly analyzing all the research findings, we identified several promising opportunities to capitalize on.


In the process of redefining, we carefully synthesized all the research data, which led to the identification of six central opportunity areas for city'super. These areas aimed to transform city'super into a trusted source for healthy and fresh food recommendations, foster personal connections between shoppers and farmers, create value by linking premium imports with local products, shift the brand image to focus on premium products regardless of origin, improve communication of city'super's environmental initiatives, and help shoppers understand their sustainable shopping practices.

These opportunities were categorized into three high-level themes: creating trust, encouraging local engagement, and promoting awareness.

To ensure alignment and gather valuable insights, we sought feedback from city'super management. We conducted a preference activity that revealed their enthusiasm for the opportunities within the creating trust and encouraging local themes. Although they were excited about promoting awareness, concerns were raised about the necessary resources, staffing, and floorspace for those specific opportunities.

Following this, we engaged a group of shoppers in the same activity. The results showed broad interest in the opportunities across all three themes, particularly within the promoting awareness theme.

In our design process, our focus remains on serving the needs of the users within the given constraints, ensuring that the final solutions address the identified opportunities while aligning with city'super's objectives and resources.


In this step of the design process, we entered the prototyping phase by developing low-fidelity concept prototypes. These prototypes were designed to enhance awareness, build trust, and encourage shoppers to purchase locally produced foods. As essential design tools, low-fidelity prototypes play a crucial role in the iterative design process. By engaging shoppers with these prototypes, we gain valuable insights into their actual needs, interests, and goals, allowing us to better understand their interactions and preferences.

Throughout this phase, we iteratively refine the prototypes based on feedback and observations from shoppers. This process ensures that the final design solutions effectively address the identified opportunities while catering to the real-life needs of the shoppers.


Finally, we conducted extensive testing of the prototypes with shoppers at one of city'super's stores to gain valuable insights into their reactions and experiences. The feedback received from shoppers played a pivotal role in shaping our design decisions. Based on this feedback, we derived four design directives that will serve as guiding principles for our design work.

By thoroughly validating our prototypes with real users, we ensured that the final design solutions are tailored to meet the shoppers' preferences and needs. This iterative validation process allows us to refine and enhance the prototypes to create a more engaging and satisfying shopping experience at city'super, ensuring that the end results align with both the customers' expectations and city'super's objectives, ultimately contributing to the success of the project.


Institute of Design (ID) at Illinois Tech

in partnership with
Far Eastern Group, DRIVE - Taipei, Taiwan

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